Charles G. Pettit Will dated 1872
I Charles G. Pettit of the town of Greenfield in the county of Saratoga and state of New York am certain that, sooner or later there must be a termination of my earthly existence; therefore I make declare and publish my last Will and Testament to be as follows:
1st: I direct and empower my executor as soon as practiable, after my decease, and according to his judgment as soon as profitable for my estate, to dispose of by sale all my real and personal property, excepting such party and things as I shall hearafter mention and dispose of in a particular manner.
2nd: I desire my executor to pay my doctors bills, funeral expenses, and all my debts.
3rd: I direct that plain gravestones, made of white marble, be placed at the graves of the following named persons: G. W. MOREHOUSE, Betsy J. PETTIT, Louisa A. VAN PATTEN, Polly HARSHAS, Harriet A. SHERMAN and Willie SHERMAN.
4th: I bequeath four hundred dollars $ 400 to my executor in trust, for the benefit of George C. MOREHOUSE and his family, to be invested by said executor in such way as in his opinion will best serve the interest of said MOREHOUSE and family.
5th: I bequeath four hundred dollars $ 400 to Mariah L. COOPER the daughter of my sister Sally and the wife of Aaron M. COOPER, now of Marshall in Dane county Wisconsin.
6th: I bequeath two hundred dollars $ 200 to my nephew Charles VAN PATTEN, now of Washington in Washington county, Kansas.
7th: I bequeath two hundred dollars $ 200 to my niece Matilda WEATHERBY the daughter of my sister Harriet and wife of Leonard WEATHERBY now of Michigan; the town & county I don't know.
8th: I bequeath two hundred dollars $ 200 to my niece Mary HITCHCOCK, the daughter of my brother Jonathan R. PETTIT and wife ---- HITCHCOCK now of Tivolia, Peoria county Illinois.
9th: I bequeath one hundred dollars $ 100 to George M. SHERMAN; and one hundred dollars $ 100 to Charles P. SHERMAN; and one hundred dollars $ 100 to Jessie A. LADDS, children of my niece Harriet A. SHERMAN.
10th: I bequeath one hundred dollars $ 100 to my executor in trust for Francis SHERMAN a daughter of the said Harriet SHERMAN, to be invested according to the judgment of of said executor, for the benefit of said Francis SHERMAN and to be paid to her at or before the time she will be twenty one years of age, as he may think best.
11th: I bequeath one thousand dollars ( $1,000 ) to my brother Alexander H. PETTIT, during the life time of himself and Clarissa his wife, after their deaths, one hundred dollars $ 100 of said one thousand dollars shall belong to there eldest daughter Sarah, and the balance must be equally divided between their six children, including Sarah, or the survivors.
12th: I bequeath to George C. MOREHOUSE the debt of one hundred and thirty dollars $ 130 due for money paid towards his shingle machine, the crops raised on the farm the present season, he paying all expenses for raising and harvesting the same, paying the school and highway and keeping all stock on the place till next spring. Also the said George C. MOREHOUSE shall have the buggy or light wagon provided he pays all debts on accounts relating to the same.
13th: I bequeath to Francis A. MOREHOUSE the six year old cow and the cane backed rocking chairs.
14th: The above legacies to George C. and Francis A. MOREHOUSE are for the purpose of liquidating any claim they may have for board, attendance and care of me and G.M. and C.P. SHERMAN.
15th: I bequeath to G.M. SHERMAN all my carpenters tools and to his sister Jessie the two year old heifer, and also to them both equal shares of a note of hand for given to me by their father W. J. SHERMAN and his sister Jessie during the spring and summer of 1871.
16th: I bequeath to Charles P. SHERMAN " Greely's American Conflict" the history of the World and such other books as he may select not exceeding five volumes, and also to him and his sister Francis equal shares of a note of hand executed by there father W. J. SHERMAN bearing date April 1st 1871, and due April 1st 1874, the half going to said Francis, to be invested according, and paid to her when she shall be twenty-one years of age, or before if he thinks best.
17th: The mahogany Bureau belongs to me and my brother A.H. PETTIT. I give my share in it to Sarah the daughter of said A.H. PETTIT and direct my executor to pay the expense of transporting it to Illinois providing a proper conveyance can be had.
18th: No money legacies shall be paid until all the property has been sold, and no interest must be allowed on any legacy until such sale.
19th: Should it happen that the proceeds of the sale of any property will not be enough to pay the claims against it and the several legacies I have named, I direct if it shall prove necessary, that two hundred dollars be deducted from A.H. Pettit legacy; should there still not be sufficient funds to pay the legacies as mentioned, the deficiency must be met by deducting from all the money legacies, proportionate to their amounts, excerpting from the remaining eight hundred dollars $ 800 going to A.H. Pettit should there be a surplus after said sale and such expenses in equal parts to the legacies of C.M. VAN PATTEN and Matilda WEATHERBY.
20th: I hereby name and appoint Dr. George W. KING of Wilton N.Y. as my executor without requiring him to give bail. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of July in the year one thousand and eight hundred and seventy two.
Charles G. Pettit, L.S. Signed Sealed and declared by the testator Charles G. Pettit to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses. N.D. STILES of Wilton Saratoga Co N.Y. R.E. CRONKHITE of Greenfield Saratoga Co N.Y.